Walgreens Dosage Syringe with Brush 1
Walgreens Dosage Syringe with Brush 2
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Walgreens Dosage Syringe with Brush 1
Walgreens Dosage Syringe with Brush 2
Walgreens Dosage Syringe with Brush from Walgreens

Dosage Syringe with Brush

Total price$13.98Including shipping fee$5.99
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Product Details

Product description:

Color coded cap for easy dosing

Easy to hold & dose

Contains: 1 Syringe 2 tsp (10 mL), 1 Brush


*Walgreens pharmacist survey study.

Made in China

Step 1: Clean thoroughly before first use and between uses.

Step 2: Push plunger down. Set the dose to 2 tsp by turning the color-coded cap to align dose with the arrow on orange collar.

Step 3: Insert tip into medication and slowly draw plunger back until it stops. With the tip still submerged in medication, push plunger completely down to reduce air bubbles. Keeping the tip submerged in medication, turn the color-coded cap to select your desired dose (align dose with arrow on orange collar) and gently plunger back until it stops.

Step 4: Check dose against black calibrations on syringe to ensure your correct dose was selected. If the dose is not accurate, stop and repeat steps 1 and 2.

Step 5: Place the tip past the lips and teeth and slowly press plunger down to completely administer dose.

Cleaning: Disassemble syringe by pushing plunger down and then turning orange collar counter-clockwise. Wash before initial use with warm soapy water and use cleaning brush to remove any residue. Rinse and allow to dry completely before using. Wash between uses. After components dry, place collar on syringe and turn clockwise to tighten. Do not overtighten. Note: this syringe has been calibrated to deliver an accurate amount once the plunger is pushed all the way down. You will note a small residual of medication within the tip, which has been calculated in the volume you are delivering and is not part of your dosage.

Color-coded dial is in teaspoons (tsp). Please note the following for conversion to milliliters (mL):

Green: 1.5 tsp = 7.5 mL

Purple: 2 tsp = 10 mL


Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Walgreens

Cost: $5.99

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Walgreens.

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