VTech Chompers The Number Dino 1
VTech Chompers The Number Dino 2
VTech Chompers The Number Dino 3
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VTech Chompers The Number Dino 1
VTech Chompers The Number Dino 2
VTech Chompers The Number Dino 3
VTech Chompers The Number Dino from Macy's

Chompers The Number Dino

Total price$38.94Including shipping fee$10.95
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Product Details

Chompers is a hungry little Dino who uses silly jokes to teach numbers, counting, colors, and food identification. He comes with 9 brightly colored food pieces, and can recognize each of them each piece matches the color of the food shown and kids respond to requests for veggies, fruit, food amounts and other prompts by feeding the little dino.

Recommended age 1.5 - 5 years

Includes 1 electronic toy dinosaur, 9 colored food pieces

Product dimension - 13.8" L x 13" W x 5.2" H

He features three play modes- learning mode with fun Dino and food facts, music mode and a quiz mode that prompts little ones to answer questions by pressing buttons and feeding the dinosaur

Chompers also features three special led buttons that help kids interact with him as they identify basic needs as he talks, sings and asks questions about being hungry, energetic or sleepy

2 AA batteries included

Pull cord allows little ones to bring their own pet dinosaur everywhere they go and game play encourages them to take him for a walk

Rotate the spinier on chomper's leg to hear the dinosaur interact, sing songs and see play pieces spin for added interest

Wipe clean


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Cost: $10.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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