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VIRTUE VIRTUE Smooth Shampoo from Dermstore

VIRTUE Smooth Shampoo

Total price$24Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

VIRTUE® Smooth Shampoo works to both cleanse and calm unruly hair. Infused with restorative ingredients, it refines and de-frizzes strand by strand to seal in moisture and shine. Formulated with the first-of-its-kind Alpha Keratin 60ku® protein, it acts as a powerful daily shampooing treatment for hair, re-paves rough cuticles and reduces friction between each strand, tackling frizz at the source and going light-years beyond basic cleansing. Key Ingredients: Alpha Keratin 60ku® : binds directly to areas of damage and fills them in, repairing and revealing hair that’s shinier, stronger and healthier Gotu Kola : a multitasking Indian herb that promotes strength, smoothness, and luster Phospholipids : molecules derived from natural soybeans that help fight frizz and protect against humidity Cynara Scolymus (Artichoke) Leaf Extract : natural extract known to preserve cuticle cohesion and help protect hair from environmental aggressors Key Benefits: Cleanse and calms unruly hair Refines and de-frizzes strand by strand Helps protect hair from environmental aggressors Free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, synthetic colors, and dyes; gluten and cruelty-free Clinical Studies: 97% of women said their hair looked smoother* 97% of women said their hair looked healthier* 80% of women felt their hair looked smoother and more hydrated** *Consumer Perception Study of 51 women who used Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner and Un-Frizz Cream for 1 week (7 uses). **Consumer Perception Study of 45 women who used Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner for 2 weeks (10 uses).

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Product Overview: Alpha Keratin 60ku®;: binds directly to areas of damage and fills them in, repairing and revealing hair that’s shinier, stronger and healthier;Gotu Kola;: a multitasking Indian herb that promotes strength, smoothness, and luster;Phospholipids;: molecules derived from natural soybeans that help fight frizz and protect against humidity;Cynara Scolymus (Artichoke) Leaf Extract;: natural extract known to preserve cuticle cohesion and help protect hair from environmental aggressors;Cleanse and calms unruly hair;Refines and de-frizzes strand by strand;Helps protect hair from environmental aggressors;Free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, synthetic colors, and dyes; gluten and cruelty-free;97% of women said their hair looked smoother*;97% of women said their hair looked healthier*;80% of women felt their hair looked smoother and more hydrated**

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Volume: 240ml

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Dermstore

Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Dermstore.

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