VIRTUE VIRTUE Flourish Nightly Intensive Hair Growth Treatment Hair Kit 4 piece 1
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VIRTUE VIRTUE Flourish Nightly Intensive Hair Growth Treatment Hair Kit 4 piece 1
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VIRTUE VIRTUE Flourish Nightly Intensive Hair Growth Treatment Hair Kit 4 piece 6
VIRTUE VIRTUE Flourish Nightly Intensive Hair Growth Treatment Hair Kit 4 piece from Dermstore

VIRTUE Flourish Nightly Intensive Hair Growth Treatment Hair Kit 4 piece

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Product Details

Let fragile hair flourish with Flourish Nightly Hair Growth Treatment Hair Kit from VIRTUE®. Made especially for moderate to severe thinning hair, this trio of potent formulas cleanse, purify and enrichen the scalp creating a fertile ground for hair to regrow for a dramatically thicker, fuller, healthier-looking head of hair. Flourish Nightly Hair Growth Treatment includes: Flourish Shampoo for Thinning Hair ( 8 fl. oz.): A gentle, stimulating shampoo delicately removes scalp buildup, cleanses the hair shaft and encourages hair growth. Flourish Conditioner for Thinning Hair ( 6.7 fl. oz.): A hair conditioner that hydrates, strengthens and detangles fine, fragile hair Flourish Minoxidil Foam 5% (2 fl. oz. x 2): A hair foam that reactivates the hair follicles and stimulates regrowth Key Ingredients: Alpha Keratin 60KU (Flourish Shampoo & Conditioner): binds directly to damaged areas of each strand to repair them, revealing hair that’s shinier, stronger, and overall more healthy Minoxidil (Flourish Minoxidil Foam): the only single ingredient FDA approved ingredient to regrow hair in women Key Benefits: Cleanses and encourages hair growth (FLOURISH SHAMPOO FOR THINNING HAIR) Nourishes, strengthens and detangles (FLOURISH CONDITIONER FOR THINNING HAIR) Reactivates the hair follicles and stimulates regrowth (FLOURISH MINOXIDIL FOAM 5%)

Product Overview: Flourish Shampoo for Thinning Hair ( 8 fl. oz.):; A gentle, stimulating shampoo delicately removes scalp buildup, cleanses the hair shaft and encourages hair growth.;Flourish Conditioner for Thinning Hair ( 6.7 fl. oz.): ;A hair conditioner that hydrates, strengthens and detangles fine, fragile hair;Flourish Minoxidil Foam 5% (2 fl. oz. x 2):; A hair foam that reactivates the hair follicles and stimulates regrowth;Alpha Keratin 60KU (Flourish Shampoo & Conditioner): ;binds directly to damaged areas of each strand to repair them, revealing hair that’s shinier, stronger, and overall more healthy;Minoxidil (Flourish Minoxidil Foam): ;the only single ingredient FDA approved ingredient to regrow hair in women;Cleanses and encourages hair growth (FLOURISH SHAMPOO FOR THINNING HAIR);Nourishes, strengthens and detangles (FLOURISH CONDITIONER FOR THINNING HAIR);Reactivates the hair follicles and stimulates regrowth (FLOURISH MINOXIDIL FOAM 5%)

How to Use:

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Volume: 20oz

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