VIRTUE VIRTUE Curl Discovery Kit 1
VIRTUE VIRTUE Curl Discovery Kit 2
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VIRTUE VIRTUE Curl Discovery Kit 1
VIRTUE VIRTUE Curl Discovery Kit 2
VIRTUE VIRTUE Curl Discovery Kit from Dermstore

VIRTUE Curl Discovery Kit

Total price$47Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Fancy some vivacious, curly-licious ​​je na sais quoi? Say hello to this Curl Discovery Kit that'll surely spruce up your hair care routine and make wash days that much easier with just three easy steps! Fused with the hard-working and all-nourishing Alpha Keratin 60ku (ethically sourced from human hair), your strands are coated with deeply hydrating hair-loving essentials that take your curls to the next level. Up first is the Curl Shampoo: a rich, non-drying formula that gently cleanses hair without stripping your strands of any moisture as a by-product. Get rid of the gunk and junk that threatens to weigh down your tresses and opt for some much-appreciated hydration. Follow this with the Curl Conditioner to bring back the bounce and restore elasticity to your curls. Repair brittle ends and tired hair with a full coating of its creamy richness. Think: lustrous locks! Last - but absolutely not least - is the Curl Leave-In Butter. Enhance your curls and neutralise frizz with this buttery batter of restorative vegan proteins and let the magic happen! Soldiered up with barrier-boosting moisture magnets like shea butter, jojoba and olive-derived esters, this Curl Discovery Kit is designed to offer lightweight hydration and long-lasting nourishment that won't leave your tresses feeling parched or limp.

Product Overview:

How to Use:


Range: Curl


Volume: Shampoo: 60ml / Conditioner: 60ml / Leave-in: 15ml

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Dermstore

Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Dermstore.

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