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Vichy Vichy Purete Thermale Hydrating and Cleansing Foaming Cream from Dermstore

Vichy Purete Thermale Hydrating and Cleansing Foaming Cream

Total price$26.99Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Looking for a foaming face wash that removes makeup and doesn't irritate your sensitive skin? Look no further! Vichy Purete Thermale Hydrating and Cleansing Foaming Cream virtually melts away hard to remove makeup, impurities and excess oil to leave your skin perfectly soft and fresh. Enriched with purisoft extracted from moringa seeds, this lightweight cream formula fights off the harmful effects of daily pollutants and stress. Vichy Thermal Spa Water soothes and strengthens to reveal healthier, smoother-looking skin from the first use to the last. Clinical results from a self-assessment of 70 women aged 20-60: 94% agreed skin felt soft & smooth 89% agreed skin was hydrated 83% agreed skin quality was visibly improved

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