Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 1
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 2
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 3
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 4
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 5
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 6
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 7
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Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 1
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 2
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 3
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 4
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 5
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 6
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream 7
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream from Dermstore

Vichy LiftActiv Supreme H.A. Anti-Wrinkle Firming Day Cream

Total price$52Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Skin looks smoother & feels firmer - day after day The signs of ageing can appear to intensify over the day. Over time this can alter skin's youthful look. Liftactiv Supreme is our 1st everyday moisturiser with a unique formula to boost radiance, make wrinkles look smoother and skin feel firmer. Directions of Use: Apply every day in the morning to clean, dry skin. Can also be used at night. Tolerance : No Parabens. Suitable for sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic

Product Overview: No Parabens. Suitable for sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic

Ingredients: Rhamnose 5%

Range: LiftActiv

Brand: Vichy

Volume: 50ml

Shipping & Returns

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Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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