Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Brightening and Anti-Aging Vitamin C Serum with 15% Pure Vitamin C 1
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Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Brightening and Anti-Aging Vitamin C Serum with 15% Pure Vitamin C 1
Vichy Vichy LiftActiv Brightening and Anti-Aging Vitamin C Serum with 15% Pure Vitamin C from Dermstore

Vichy LiftActiv Brightening and Anti-Aging Vitamin C Serum with 15% Pure Vitamin C

Total price$41.99Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Based on a survey distributed to U.S. dermatologists who are readers of Practical Dermatology 2018. Aging and exposure to sunlight or pollutants can cause stress and diminish the amount of Vitamin C in the skin. Because skin’s defenses can become overworked, this contributes to signs of skin aging such as dull and uneven skin tone, loss of firmness, dehydration and fine lines. Just like your body needs vitamins to be healthy, so does your skin. Discover a new pure and potent Vitamin C serum formula, which combines 15% Pure Vitamin C and Natural Origin Hyaluronic Acid for skin that is brighter and feels firmer in just 10 days. LiftActiv Vitamin C Serum Brightening Skin Corrector is a dermatologist grade treatment yet at an accessible price making it the perfect addition to your anti-aging routine.

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