Unruly Studios Sideshow Collectibles DC Comics - Designer PVC Statue The Joker Calavera 20 cm 1
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Unruly Studios Sideshow Collectibles DC Comics - Designer PVC Statue The Joker Calavera 20 cm 1
Unruly Studios Sideshow Collectibles DC Comics - Designer PVC Statue The Joker Calavera 20 cm from Zavvi US

Sideshow Collectibles DC Comics - Designer PVC Statue The Joker Calavera 20 cm

Lowest price in three months
Total price$135.98Including shipping fee$5.99
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Product Details

The Clown Prince of Crime takes on a whole new afterlife as The Joker Calavera designer toy by Jose Pulido!Artist Statement: My Calaveras originally grew from my inspiration from Jose Guadalupe Posada's work. I really enjoyed his work and particularly the many skeletons that he created. My intent for the Batman designs was to create a modern take on his skeletons using my own artwork style, which fuses Mexican culture with American pop culture.About the Artist:I'm an artist from southern California. I am both influenced by popular culture and by the Mexican culture that I grew up with. I like to create a fusion between the 2 cultures with my work. It's important for me for a bit of my heritage to show in my work so the Calaveras I create are an important representation of Mexican culture, amongst many other meanings that the Calaveras have for me.

franchise:DC Comics


Artist:Jose Pulido

Character Series:Batman

Brand:Unruly Studios

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