TONYMOLY Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid, 0.85 fl. oz. 1
TONYMOLY Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid, 0.85 fl. oz. 2
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TONYMOLY Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid, 0.85 fl. oz. 1
TONYMOLY Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid, 0.85 fl. oz. 2
TONYMOLY Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid, 0.85 fl. oz. from Macy's

Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid, 0.85 fl. oz.

Lowest price in three months
Total price$22.43Including shipping fee$10.95
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Product Details

Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid helps painlessly remove and improve dry patches and rough calluses on the souls of your feet. The unique formula, fortified with fruit extract, is a gentle way to remove layers of dead skin cells so you can achieve baby soft feet!

Salicylic acid and glycolic acid provide gentle exfoliation, help reveal softer, smoother skin and support natural cell turnover

Lavender extract soothes inflamed/irritated skin while helping reduce skin blotchiness for a more even look

Argan oil nourishes and protects, locking moisture in

Peppermint extract soothes and refreshes

How to use:

Place the plastic booties around each foot; pour and distribute the peeling liquid in each booty equally; tie the plastic booties with ties located at top of boot so there are no gaps

Wait approximately 1-1.5 hours; try to avoid walking while waiting

Remove plastic booties (preferably inside the shower or tub to avoid any potential spillage) and discard

Thoroughly rinse off with cool water

In about 4-6 days, the calluses will begin to peel away; you do not have to forcefully peel the skin; just let it roll off naturally

You will have feet as soft as a baby in just 2 weeks

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Macy's

Cost: $10.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Macy's.

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