The Ordinary The Ordinary Retinol Serum 0.5% in Squalane 30ml 1
The Ordinary The Ordinary Retinol Serum 0.5% in Squalane 30ml 2
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The Ordinary The Ordinary Retinol Serum 0.5% in Squalane 30ml 1
The Ordinary The Ordinary Retinol Serum 0.5% in Squalane 30ml 2
The Ordinary The Ordinary Retinol Serum 0.5% in Squalane 30ml from LookFantastic US

The Ordinary Retinol Serum 0.5% in Squalane 30ml

Lowest price in three months
Total price$14.8Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

Combat visible signs of aging with The Ordinary Retinol Serum 0.5% in Squalane. Designed to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles while also improving the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation, retinol is an essential skincare ingredient for anyone concerned with aging or blemishes. As a derivative of vitamin A, retinol targets both acne and photodamaged skin. Retinol helps to minimize the appearance of acne, refine pores, reduce hyperpigmentation and improve texture irregularities.

This potent, water-free formula contains 0.5% pure retinol in a squalene base. Squalane is known for having antioxidant and antibacterial properties which help to protect the skin from UV damage and other environmental pollutants. Squalane also promotes skin elasticity and aims to enhance hydration, so with continued use, your skin will feel firm and appear more youthful.

As with all retinol products, caution should be taken in its application as it is prone to causing irritation, peeling, and redness. Although the squalane in this serum does help to minimize any irritation, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It should also be noted that retinol can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, so extra care should be taken when applying sunscreen.

This formula is free from water, alcohol, silicones, nuts, gluten, and soy. The Ordinary is a cruelty-free brand, meaning that this product is also vegan and cruelty-free.

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