Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 1
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 2
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 3
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 4
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 5
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Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 1
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 2
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 3
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 4
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack 5
Supersmile Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack from Neiman Marcus

Rippled Edge Tongue Cleaner, 3 Pack

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Product Details

Tongue cleaning is a process that the majority of people in the United States don't do on a daily basis. Yet, it's one of the most important steps you can take to keep your breath clean and fresh!WHAT IS THE SUPERSMILE RIPPLE EDGE TONGUE CLEANER?Invented by Dr. Irwin Smigel, celebrated "Father of Aesthetic Dentistry", the Supersmile Ripple Edge Tongue Cleaner is a simple way to eliminate the harmful bacteria and plaque that can lead to sickness and are the cause of over 85% of bad breath. FEATURES/ BENEFITSThe Supersmile Ripple Edge Tongue Cleaner was created with a soft resin coating to ensure its flexibility. This flexibility allows the cleaner to reach far back towards the base of the tongue where the majority of the bacteria resides. By using the recommended two swipes of the tongue, the custom ridges lift trapped bacteria and leftover food particles from the surface. The Tongue Cleaner can be easily rinsed with warm water and like a toothbrush, should be replaced every three months. WHY IT'S DIFFERENTThe Supersmile Ripple Edge Tongue Cleaner design promotes a hygienic addition to your oral health care regimen. Using a tongue cleaner is the most effective way to remove the bacteria that causes bad breath, gum line cavities, plaque and gum disease. Removing the harmful buildup of bacteria means less sick time throughout the year- especially during cold and flu months. This 3rd generation tongue cleaner features a custom ergonomic design shown above. This easy to use design makes tongue cleaning simple.

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