Solgar Solgar -  Siberian Ginseng Root Extract (60 Capsules) 1
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Solgar Solgar -  Siberian Ginseng Root Extract (60 Capsules) 1
Solgar Solgar -  Siberian Ginseng Root Extract (60 Capsules) from Unineed US

Solgar - Siberian Ginseng Root Extract (60 Capsules)

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Product Details

Siberian Ginseng, also known as eleutherococcus senticosus, contains ginseng native to North-East Asia. Extracted from the root and the offshoots called root hairs, this herb has a long history of use in Chinese medicine.There are several species of ginseng, and the botanical name for Siberian Ginseng is eleutherosides senticosus. Siberian Ginseng is traditionally used to help improve concentration and supports energy and vitality. It is also known for its adaptogenic effect, supporting tolerance to physical, mental and environmental stress.ADAPTOGENIC - Although Siberian Ginseng is not a true ginseng species, like ginseng it increases tolerance to various stressors and helps normalise the way in which the body responds to stress triggers and acts to regulate the manufacture and secretion of adrenal hormones. It also strengthens the adrenal glands themselves, which is especially important to those suffering from chronic stress.CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM STRENGTHENING EFFECT - Its adaptogenic activity provides non-specific support for the central nervous system, which may help restore proper neurological function after long term stress.IMMUNE TONIC - Studies show that Siberian Ginseng enhances white blood cell activity, thus providing support to a compromised immune system. In addition, as stress suppresses immune function, the adaptogenic properties of this herb would even further promote resistance to infection.Potential applications of Solgar Siberian Ginseng:Stress - mental/physical/environmentalFatigueWeak immunityPhysical endurance during exercise

Solgar - Siberian Ginseng Root Extract (60 Capsules)

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