Solgar Solgar - Artichoke Leaf Extract (60 Capsules) 1
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Solgar Solgar - Artichoke Leaf Extract (60 Capsules) 1
Solgar Solgar - Artichoke Leaf Extract (60 Capsules) from Unineed US

Solgar - Artichoke Leaf Extract (60 Capsules)

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Product Details

Artichoke Leaf Extract 300 mg Vegetable Capsules. A globe artichokes is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean. Artichoke leaf extract is made from the plant's large green leaves, which contain the highest concentration of cynarin.Artichoke is a relative of Milk Thistle and is one of the oldest known cultivated plants in the world. It has a long history of use as an aid to health and modern research has now identified its main components and mechanisms of action.Perhaps the best known application for artichoke is the support of liver health and gastrointestinal function. A clinical study showed significant improvements in patients with symptoms of poor digestion after they were administered artichoke leaf extract for 14 days.Research has also demonstrated that artichoke leaf extract promotes the flow of bile, which is a substance required for absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. The other main role of bile is to aid detoxification, which is the liver's primary role. Bile also romotes intestinal peristalsis, which is needed for proper colon function and eliminat.Artichoke leaf extract also possesses significant antioxidant activity and has been shown to stimulate the regeneration of healthy liver cells.Additional research on artichoke leaf has focused on its beneficial role on the cardiovascular system and its ability to support healthy blood lipids.

Solgar - Artichoke Leaf Extract (60 Capsules)

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