SKINCHEMISTS Collagen Day & Night Cream Set 1
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SKINCHEMISTS Collagen Day & Night Cream Set 1
SKINCHEMISTS Collagen Day & Night Cream Set from Nordstrom Rack

Collagen Day & Night Cream Set

Total price$36.92Including shipping fee$9.95
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Product Details

What it is: Collagen is a well renowned essential ingredient which helps target the loss of our natural protein structure, support collagen production and provide firming properties whilst working to promote your most youthful appearance. Key Ingredients: Plant-derived Collagen helps to improve skin tone and elasticity, supporting the body in building its own collagen. Marine Amino Acids enhance suppleness and flexibility within the skin structure, stimulating cells in the skin to support production of new collagen. Coconut Oil is known for its fantastic moisturising abilities as well as the ability to reduce inflammation. Collagen Day Moisturizer Skin Chemists' Collagen Day Moisturizer is formulated to be lightweight but effective; offering a high level of hydration whilst incorporating ingredients which can help form a protective barrier to keep daily aggressors at bay. Collagen Night Moisturizer Replenish your complexion while you sleep with our Collagen Night Moisturiser. With its intelligent ingredients designed to improve skin elasticity and smoothness, this essential formulation developed around the highly acclaimed ingredient Collagen, helps to support skin structure and provide firming properties which promote your most youthful appearance.

How to use: Collagen Day Moisturizer - Apply every morning after your skincare routine for the best results. Collagen Night Moisturizer - Apply in the evening to finish your skincare routine before you go to bed.

2-piece set

Made in the UK

Item #7341240

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Cost: $9.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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