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SkinCeuticals SkinCeuticals Retexturing Activator from Dermstore

SkinCeuticals Retexturing Activator

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Product Details

SkinCeuticals Retexturing Activator is a multipurpose treatment that replenishes moisture and resurfaces the skin for healthier, softer and more radiant skin. Using patented technology, this unique serum helps to exfoliate while optimizing the skin’s amino acid supply to restore the skin's external barrier. Formulated in an oil-free finish suitable for all skin types. Key Ingredients: 25% Hydroxyethyl Urea & Aminosulfonic Acid Compound: patented combination designed to stimulate enzymes that help break the bonds binding dead skin cells to skin’s surface, to evenly exfoliate skin while maintaining the skin’s moisture levels Kombucha: a byproduct of the tea fermentation process, this naturally-derived ingredient promotes radiant, soft, smooth skin Hyaluronic Acid: a natural humectant capable of holding 1,000 times its own weight in water and the body’s natural hydrator Key Benefits: Multipurpose replenishing and resurfacing serum that helps reinforce the skin's barrier for healthier, more radiant skin Diminishes the appearance of surface lines and smooths skin Increases the look of overall radiance Balances moisture levels Oil-free formula works well with all skin types

Product Overview: 25% Hydroxyethyl Urea & Aminosulfonic Acid Compound: ;patented combination designed to stimulate enzymes that help break the bonds binding dead skin cells to skin’s surface, to evenly exfoliate skin while maintaining the skin’s moisture levels;Kombucha:; a byproduct of the tea fermentation process, this naturally-derived ingredient promotes radiant, soft, smooth skin;Hyaluronic Acid: ;a natural humectant capable of holding 1,000 times its own weight in water and the body’s natural hydrator;Multipurpose replenishing and resurfacing serum that helps reinforce the skin's barrier for healthier, more radiant skin;Diminishes the appearance of surface lines and smooths skin;Increases the look of overall radiance;Balances moisture levels;Oil-free formula works well with all skin types

How to Use:

Skin Type & Concerns:


Range: Correct

Brand: SkinCeuticals

Volume: 30ml

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Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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