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Sisley-Paris Phyto Cernes Eclat Eye Concealer from Saks Fifth Avenue

Phyto Cernes Eclat Eye Concealer

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Product Details


Phyto-Cernes Eclat eye concealer is a tinted anti-dark circles product. 0.5 oz. Made in France.


It instantly masks dark circles and darkened areas (ultra-pure pigments), reduces puffiness and signs of fatigue (extracts of red vine, arnica, and ginkgo biloba), visibly smoothes wrinkles and fine lines while enhancing the beauty of the area around the eye. Its metal massage tip creates an immediate, cool decongesting effect and its brush allows for a customized application. Day after day, Phyto-Cernes Eclat helps to significantly reduce the size of under-eye bags (caffeine, peptidic soy extract and horsetail extract). Its supple, creamy formula ensures an easy application, natural finish, and a long wear.


A pioneer of plant-based cosmetics, Sisley-Paris has been bringing a phytotherapy approach to beauty since its launch in 1976. Best-selling products combine skin-benefitting ingredients with highly effective plant extracts, from the Phyto-Lip Twist to the Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age Cream.

WHAT IT IS Phyto-Cernes Eclat eye concealer is a tinted anti-dark circles product. 0.5 oz. Made in France.WHAT IT DOESIt instantly masks dark circles and darkened areas (ultra-pure pigments), reduces puffiness and signs of fatigue (extracts of red vine, arnica, and ginkgo biloba), visibly smoothes wrinkles and fine lines while enhancing the beauty of the area around the eye. Its metal massage tip creates an immediate, cool decongesting effect and its brush allows for a customized application. Day after day, Phyto-Cernes Eclat helps to significantly reduce the size of under-eye bags (caffeine, peptidic soy extract and horsetail extract). Its supple, creamy formula ensures an easy application, natural finish, and a long wear.ABOUT THE BRANDA pioneer of plant-based cosmetics, Sisley-Paris has been bringing a phytotherapy approach to beauty since its launch in 1976. Best-selling products combine skin-benefitting ingredients with highly effective plant extracts, from the Phyto-Lip Twist to the Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age Cream.

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