Sisley-Paris Floral Toning Lotion 1
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Sisley-Paris Floral Toning Lotion 1
Sisley-Paris Floral Toning Lotion 2
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Sisley-Paris Floral Toning Lotion 5
Sisley-Paris Floral Toning Lotion from Saks Fifth Avenue

Floral Toning Lotion

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Product Details


Floral Toning Lotion removes make-up and gently cleanses dry and sensitive skin. 8.4 oz. Made in France.


It tones, soothes, and prepares skin for your daily skin care regimen. Floral Toning Lotion removes traces of make-up as it cleanses the skin. Formulated with extracts of Rose, Cornflower, and Witch Hazel, it soothes and softens the complexion. Ideal for dry or sensitive skin, it tones, soothes and prepares the skin for your daily skin care regimen. Used daily, this lotion tones the complexion refreshing and soothing the skin, preparing it to receive the benefits of your skin care products.


Each morning and evening, after removing your make-up, wipe a cotton pad soaked in Floral Toning Lotion on your face and neck. Allow the lotion to penetrate the skin for a few moments before applying your skin care product.


Rose refreshes, softens

Cornflower soothes

Witch Hazel tones


A pioneer of plant-based cosmetics, Sisley-Paris has been bringing a phytotherapy approach to beauty since its launch in 1976. Best-selling products combine skin-benefitting ingredients with highly effective plant extracts, from the Phyto-Lip Twist to the Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age Cream.

WHAT IT ISFloral Toning Lotion removes make-up and gently cleanses dry and sensitive skin. 8.4 oz. Made in France.WHAT IT DOESIt tones, soothes, and prepares skin for your daily skin care regimen. Floral Toning Lotion removes traces of make-up as it cleanses the skin. Formulated with extracts of Rose, Cornflower, and Witch Hazel, it soothes and softens the complexion. Ideal for dry or sensitive skin, it tones, soothes and prepares the skin for your daily skin care regimen. Used daily, this lotion tones the complexion refreshing and soothing the skin, preparing it to receive the benefits of your skin care products.HOW TO USE ITEach morning and evening, after removing your make-up, wipe a cotton pad soaked in Floral Toning Lotion on your face and neck. Allow the lotion to penetrate the skin for a few moments before applying your skin care product.ACTIVE INGREDIENTSRose refreshes, softensCornflower soothesWitch Hazel tonesABOUT THE BRANDA pioneer of plant-based cosmetics, Sisley-Paris has been bringing a phytotherapy approach to beauty since its launch in 1976. Best-selling products combine skin-benefitting ingredients with highly effective plant extracts, from the Phyto-Lip Twist to the Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age Cream.

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