Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 1
Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 2
Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 3
Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 4
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Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 1
Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 2
Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 3
Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask 4
Shiseido Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask from Saks Fifth Avenue

Vital Perfection LiftDefine Radiance Face Mask

Lowest price in three months
Total price$99.2Including shipping fee$9.95
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Product Details


An instantly effective and powerful 2-piece treatment face & neck mask for lifting and firming.

Includes six pairs of sheet masks

Made in Japan


A high-performance sheet mask uniquely formulated to deliver a simultaneous lifting and firming effect. This 2-piece treatment mask tones the face and jawline as it visibly improves contours and dullness in just 10 minutes (after one application)*. One mask covers the face area and a second mask targets the chin and neck areas.

*Tested over 8 weeks on 112—117 women, aged 45—59, in France.


Use after cleansing and before moisturizer.

Take Mask 1 (for entire face) out of the pouch and gently unfold it.

Adjust the positionings of the eyes and mouth and apply so it fits along the jawline.

Take Mask 2 (for jawline) out of the pouch and remove the protective film.

Place the indented edge along the lower lip.

Stretch both sides and hang the mask openings over the ears.

Remove masks after approximately 10 minutes.

Gently blend remaining essence into the skin and lightly press it over the entire face.


100% immediately improves in just 10 minutes (after one application)*:

Firmness of cheek

Firmness of jaw line

Sagging of jawline


*Tested over 8 weeks on 112—117 women, aged 45—59, in France.


An instantly effective and powerful 2-piece treatment face & neck mask for lifting and firming.

Includes six pairs of sheet masks

Made in Japan


A high-performance sheet mask uniquely formulated to deliver a simultaneous lifting and firming effect. This 2-piece treatment mask tones the face and jawline as it visibly improves contours and dullness in just 10 minutes (after one application)*. One mask covers the face area and a second mask targets the chin and neck areas.

*Tested over 8 weeks on 112—117 women, aged 45—59, in France.


Use after cleansing and before moisturizer.

Take Mask 1 (for entire face) out of the pouch and gently unfold it.

Adjust the positionings of the eyes and mouth and apply so it fits along the jawline.

Take Mask 2 (for jawline) out of the pouch and remove the protective film.

Place the indented edge along the lower lip.

Stretch both sides and hang the mask openings over the ears.

Remove masks after approximately 10 minutes.

Gently blend remaining essence into the skin and lightly press it over the entire face.


100% immediately improves in just 10 minutes (after one application)*:

Firmness of cheek

Firmness of jaw line

Sagging of jawline


*Tested over 8 weeks on 112—117 women, aged 45—59, in France.

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Saks Fifth Avenue

Cost: $9.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Saks Fifth Avenue.

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