Sarah Chapman Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo 1
Sarah Chapman Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo 2
Sarah Chapman Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo 3
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Sarah Chapman Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo 1
Sarah Chapman Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo 2
Sarah Chapman Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo 3
Sarah Chapman Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo from LookFantastic US

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo

Total price$227.7free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

Witness skin transformation with the Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Duo, an innovative anti-aging system that works over four weeks to improve skin density and smoothness.The twenty-eight day, youth-boosting programme combines cell regenerating botanical stem cell technology with collagen-boosting peptides to plump, firm and regenerate skin. Its unique delivery system allows the product to be freshly mixed before application; an internal chamber releases powdered stem cells into a peptide rich serum, ensuring maximum strength and efficacy.Providing multi-depth benefits, the line-smoothing formula benefits both dermal and epidermal layers, protecting, repairing and restoring to inspire radiant, more resilient skin. Skin appears smoother and firmer with a more even tone and enhanced luminosity. Enriched with an uplifting jasmine fragrance.2 x 10ml Vials.

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