RéVive Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask 1
RéVive Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask 2
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RéVive Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask 1
RéVive Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask 2
RéVive Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask 3
RéVive Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask 4
RéVive Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask from bluemercury

Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask

Extra 20% off Over $200
Total price$150free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

This rich, soufflé-like mask gives skin an energizing, moisturizing boost as it turns from pearlescent white to a shimmering shade of gold.

Masque de Radiance Brightening Moisture Mask gives skin an energizing, moisturizing boost as it turns a shimmering shade of gold. This mask is infused with Vitamin C and the energy building block ATP to help skin look radiant and refreshed. As dull skin is removed, skin is left feeling soft and smooth, while brightness and clarity are also improved. A dual-applicator invigorates the skin with a gentle massage. Perfect for all skin types who want extra moisture and brightening.

Skin Type::combination; dry; mature; normal; oily; sensitive,Benefits::anti-aging; brightening; hydrating,Concerns::dryness; uneven skin tone / hyperpigmentation ,Ingredient Preference::antioxidants; antioxidants; formaldehyde free; gluten free; mineral; paraben free; phthalates free; sulfate free; vitamin c

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate): An essential energy booster to maintain skin healthVitamin C: Helps to brighten skinMung Bean Seed Extract: Helps promote smoothing, nourishing and brightening

Once to twice weekly, squeeze mask onto the smooth side of the applicator. Apply generously all over face avoiding eyes. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Use ridged side applicator to gently massage skin for up to one minute. Rinse off and follow with serum and moisturizer.

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