Rails Alise Striped Cotton Sweater 1
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Rails Alise Striped Cotton Sweater 6
Rails Alise Striped Cotton Sweater 7
Rails Alise Striped Cotton Sweater from Neiman Marcus

Alise Striped Cotton Sweater

Lowest price in three months
Total price$89.25free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

Rails "Alise" striped knit sweater

Approx. 21.3"L from shoulder to hem

Crew neckline

Long sleeves; approx. 21.8"L

Hip length

Ribbed cuffs and hem

Pullover style


Dry clean

Imported Model is 5'10"/177cm.

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Neiman Marcus

Cost: Free Shipping

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Neiman Marcus.

See more on Neiman Marcus.

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