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PCA SKIN PCA SKIN C-Quench Antioxidant Serum from Dermstore

PCA SKIN C-Quench Antioxidant Serum

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Product Details

PCA Skin C-Quench Antioxidant Serum (formerly C-Quench Antioxidant Serum - pHaze 15+) hydrates and nourishes the skin, helping to minimize fine lines and wrinkles without irritation. Multiple antioxidants and botanicals offer superior protection from aging UV rays and other environmental stressors. It combines multiple advanced ingredients, including stem cell extracts and vitamin E, to minimize the signs of aging while hydrating and strengthening the skin. Key Ingredients: Vitamin C: an antioxidant that minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while promoting an even skin tone Hyaluronic Acid: holds 1,000 times its weight in water, protecting, hydrating and strengthening the skin Lilac Leaf Cell Culture Extract: an antioxidant derived from the stem cells of the lilac plant that reduces inflammation Glutathione: an antioxidant produced naturally by the body that neutralizes toxins Ergothioneine: an antioxidant that supports the capabilities of other antioxidants

Product Overview: Vitamin C:; an antioxidant that minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while promoting an even skin tone;Hyaluronic Acid:; holds 1,000 times its weight in water, protecting, hydrating and strengthening the skin;Lilac Leaf Cell Culture Extract:; an antioxidant derived from the stem cells of the lilac plant that reduces inflammation;Glutathione:; an antioxidant produced naturally by the body that neutralizes toxins;Ergothioneine:; an antioxidant that supports the capabilities of other antioxidants

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