Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 1
Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 2
Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 3
Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 4
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Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 1
Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 2
Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 3
Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate 4
Odacité Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate from bluemercury

Rosehip Ylang Ylang Serum Concentrate

Total price$55Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Specific Skin Concern: Deep Wrinkles

Regenerative serum concentrated with potent bio-actives that help to reverse wrinkles & smooth out facial lines while improving skin hydration and discoloration.

Specific Skin Concern: Deep Wrinkles• Regenerative serum concentrated with potent bio-actives that help to reverse wrinkles & smooth out facial lines while improving skin hydration and discoloration.• One of the most regenerative oils, Rosehip synergistically pairs with Ylang-Ylang to enhance antioxidant activity, helping to reverse free-radical damage and slow down the aging process.• Ylang-Ylang is known, in aromatherapy, for its aphrodisiac and euphoric effects, helping combat anxiety and stress.0.17 oz / 5 ml

Benefits::aromatherapy,Concerns::fine lines and wrinkles,Ingredient Preference::organic; paraben free; phthalates free; sulfate free

Alternate or blend from the collection of Serum Concentrates to target the specific needs of your skin.Daily Skin-Booster: Twice daily in the palm of your hand, mix 2-3 drops into your daily dose of crème.Intensive Treatment: Massage a few drops into clean dry skin. For extra hydration, first dampen skin with one of the Odacite facial mist. Apply a few drops on wet skin.

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Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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