Odacité Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak 1
Odacité Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak 2
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Odacité Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak 1
Odacité Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak 2
Odacité Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak 3
Odacité Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak 4
Odacité Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak from bluemercury

Mood Cleansing Ayurvedic Bath Soak

Total price$35Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Transform your mood from stress to peace with this luxurious Ayurvedic bath soak.

Formulated with detoxifying Himalayan Crystal Salt and moisturizing oils infused with invigorating Grapefruit and Lemongrass to uplift the mind, body, and spirit.

Himalayan Crystal Salt works to detoxify your body and energy field with over 84 essential minerals to melt away the stress from the day.                                                     Almond Oil and Jojoba Oil effortlessly moisturize devitalized skin.                                Grapefruit and Lemongrass uplift and invigorate your mood and spirit with their aromatherapy benefits.                                                                                                                       The characteristic blue hue of our Bath Soak comes from macerated Turmeric, Holy Basil, Neem, Grapefruit, and Aloe Vera that when combined can help eliminate pollutants and impurities that degrade both mood and skin.

Benefits::anti-pollution,Ingredient Preference::gluten free; mineral

Himalayan Crystal SaltGrapefruit and Lemongrass

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Cost: $7

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