Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 1
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 2
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 3
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 4
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 5
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Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 1
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 2
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 3
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 4
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate 5
Odacité Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate from bluemercury

Jojoba Lavender Serum Concentrate

Total price$43Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Specific Skin Concern: Clogged Pores

Transformative serum that binds to sebum blockages and skin impurities, helping to flush out pores.

Specific Skin Concern: Clogged Pores• Transformative serum that binds to sebum blockages and skin impurities, helping to flush out pores.• Because of its distinctive chemical structure, Jojoba helps to prevent fur ther blockage by controlling sebum production.• Lavender exceptional antibacterial properties help fight microorganisms that cause clogged pores and blemishes.• In aromatherapy, Lavender is known to be calming and balancing to the emotional state.0.17 oz / 5 ml

Benefits::aromatherapy,Concerns::black heads and visible pores,Ingredient Preference::organic; paraben free; phthalates free; sulfate free

Alternate or blend from the collection of Serum Concentrates to target the specific needs of your skin.Daily Skin-Booster: Twice daily in the palm of your hand, mix 2-3 drops into your daily dose of crème.Intensive Treatment: Massage a few drops into clean dry skin. For extra hydration, first dampen skin with one of the Odacite facial mist. Apply a few drops on wet skin.

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Cost: $7

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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