NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 1
NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 2
NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 3
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NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 1
NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 2
NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 3
NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 4
NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml 5
NUXE NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml from LookFantastic US

NUXE Crème Fraiche de Beaute Moisturising Mattifying Fluid 48hr 50ml

Total price$45.2Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

Combining hydrating freshness with a mattified result, the Nuxe Crème Fraîche de Beauté® Fluide Hydratant is an ideal moisturiser for sensitive and combination skin types.Working to nourish the complexion for up to 48 hours, while helping to minimise the look of pores and unwanted shine, the cream’s dual-action benefits join to encourage refined and refreshed-looking skin. The ultra-light formula features silky almond oil and seaweed extract to promote lasting radiance, alongside botanical-origin cassava powder seeking to mattify the appearance excess oil.Vegan.

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