NUXE NUXE Body Reve de the Fresh-Feel Deodorant 24hr 50ml 1
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NUXE NUXE Body Reve de the Fresh-Feel Deodorant 24hr 50ml 1
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NUXE NUXE Body Reve de the Fresh-Feel Deodorant 24hr 50ml 4
NUXE NUXE Body Reve de the Fresh-Feel Deodorant 24hr 50ml from LookFantastic US

NUXE Body Reve de the Fresh-Feel Deodorant 24hr 50ml

Total price$21.6Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

Stay fresh and dry with the NUXE Body Rêve de thé Fresh-Feel Deodorant 24hr. Boosted by a trio of active ingredients, the roll-on deodorant works to minimise the risk of sweat and odour, while a tantalising scent of Rhubarb and Fresh Herbs tantalises the senses.The deodorant helps to stave away moisture for up to 24-hours of freshness, offering you peace of mind. Fast-absorbing, the deodorant reduces the risk of any white marks, stains or stickiness, promoting a comfortable experience each time. Finished with ancient Green Tea Extract to soothe and replenish your under-arm skin.

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