Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 1
Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 2
Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 3
Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 4
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Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 1
Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 2
Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 3
Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum 4
Natura Bissé Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum from LookFantastic US

Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum

Total price$790free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

Redefine your complexion with the Natura Bissé Inhibit High Definition Serum, a gentle formula with visible anti-ageing properties. Enriched with a magical recipe of hydrating ingredients such as Shea Butter, Amaranth Oil and Triple Hyaluronic Acid, the serum helps to relax the facial contractions that cause expression lines, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.The rich, velvety formula softens and smooths skin, using Copper and Collagen for a long-lasting firming effect that defends against sagging. Deeply nourishing and conditioning, the cream helps to redefine the facial contour to transform and rejuvenate the complexion. The result is brighter, healthier skin that is noticeably youthful-looking.

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