NARS #26 Push Eyeliner Brush 1
NARS #26 Push Eyeliner Brush 2
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NARS #26 Push Eyeliner Brush 1
NARS #26 Push Eyeliner Brush 2
NARS #26 Push Eyeliner Brush from Saks Fifth Avenue

#26 Push Eyeliner Brush

Total price$35.95Including shipping fee$9.95
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Product Details


A flat eyeliner brush designed for effortless application of wet and dry eyeliner formulas, by pushing or stamping directly onto the base of the eyelashes.

Synthetic hair

Made in Canada


Can be used with both wet and dry eyeliner formulas. Never lose your touch. Perfect your form with a new lineup of makeup brushes designed for ultimate artistry. High precision. High quality. The highest performance. Expertly shaped from durable synthetic fibers, each brush was customized for use with all of François Nars’ signature techniques. Hypoallergenic fibers lend themselves to simple cleansing and care, and are ideal for use on sensitive skin. The power of artistry is in your hands.


To cleanse your NARS Brushes, dispense a small amount of gentle soap (or your favorite makeup brush shampoo) onto brush and rinse with water until water runs clean. Avoid wetting the handle of the brush. Gently reshape fibers after rinsing. Lay flat or hang upside down to dry.

WHAT IT ISA flat eyeliner brush designed for effortless application of wet and dry eyeliner formulas, by pushing or stamping directly onto the base of the eyelashes.Synthetic hairMade in CanadaWHAT IT DOESCan be used with both wet and dry eyeliner formulas. Never lose your touch. Perfect your form with a new lineup of makeup brushes designed for ultimate artistry. High precision. High quality. The highest performance. Expertly shaped from durable synthetic fibers, each brush was customized for use with all of François Nars’ signature techniques. Hypoallergenic fibers lend themselves to simple cleansing and care, and are ideal for use on sensitive skin. The power of artistry is in your hands.HOW TO USE ITTo cleanse your NARS Brushes, dispense a small amount of gentle soap (or your favorite makeup brush shampoo) onto brush and rinse with water until water runs clean. Avoid wetting the handle of the brush. Gently reshape fibers after rinsing. Lay flat or hang upside down to dry.

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Cost: $9.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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