Michael Aram Molten Cake Server 1
Michael Aram Molten Cake Server 2
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Michael Aram Molten Cake Server 1
Michael Aram Molten Cake Server 2
Michael Aram Molten Cake Server from Saks Fifth Avenue

Molten Cake Server

Total price$69.95Including shipping fee$9.95
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Product Details

From the Molten Collection. Michael Aram's iconic Molten Collection is now reimagined as molten gold. Classic, timeless shapes are finished with molten brass beads which are individually welded onto the pieces. Each bead captures the spontaneity of the making process. Molten gold is sure to add a luxurious glow to any setting. The molten beads feel like they are frozen in time, each dropped onto the edge by a skilled craftsman.

Stainless steel

Dishwasher safe



Length, about 10.5"

Please note: This item ships directly from the vendor and may take up to 10 business days to ship after the order is placed.

Please note: This item ships directly from the vendor and may take up to 10 business days to ship after the order is placed.

From the Molten Collection. Michael Aram's iconic Molten Collection is now reimagined as molten gold. Classic, timeless shapes are finished with molten brass beads which are individually welded onto the pieces. Each bead captures the spontaneity of the making process. Molten gold is sure to add a luxurious glow to any setting. The molten beads feel like they are frozen in time, each dropped onto the edge by a skilled craftsman.Stainless steelDishwasher safeImportedSIZINGLength, about 10.5"Please note: This item ships directly from the vendor and may take up to 10 business days to ship after the order is placed.Please note: This item ships directly from the vendor and may take up to 10 business days to ship after the order is placed.

Shipping & Returns

Your order will be shipped to you directly by Saks Fifth Avenue

Cost: $9.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

You will be able to return your item directly to Saks Fifth Avenue.

See more on Saks Fifth Avenue.

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