Michael Aram Black Orchid Dinner Napkin Holder 1
Michael Aram Black Orchid Dinner Napkin Holder 2
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Michael Aram Black Orchid Dinner Napkin Holder 1
Michael Aram Black Orchid Dinner Napkin Holder 2
Michael Aram Black Orchid Dinner Napkin Holder from Saks Fifth Avenue

Black Orchid Dinner Napkin Holder

Total price$107.45Including shipping fee$9.95
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Product Details

The Michael Aram Black Orchid Collection was inspired by the powerful sensuality of orchids and the rich ambiance of haute couture - strikingly simple yet full of the most extreme detail. The collection has an almost gothic feeling - opiated, lush, and smoldering - like the dark, velvety atmosphere of a luxurious evening. "There is something so seductive about orchids. In blackened nickel, they are even more sublime, like a woman wearing a black velvet gown floating through a great estate or a glassy urban high-rise. The dark atmosphere of the orchids against the hammered metal is like the afterglow of a beautiful evening."

Granite/nickelplate/stainless steel

Hand wash



7.25"W x 3"H x 6.25"D

The Michael Aram Black Orchid Collection was inspired by the powerful sensuality of orchids and the rich ambiance of haute couture - strikingly simple yet full of the most extreme detail. The collection has an almost gothic feeling - opiated, lush, and smoldering - like the dark, velvety atmosphere of a luxurious evening. "There is something so seductive about orchids. In blackened nickel, they are even more sublime, like a woman wearing a black velvet gown floating through a great estate or a glassy urban high-rise. The dark atmosphere of the orchids against the hammered metal is like the afterglow of a beautiful evening."

Granite/nickelplate/stainless steel

Hand wash



7.25"W x 3"H x 6.25"D

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Cost: $9.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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You will be able to return your item directly to Saks Fifth Avenue.

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