Medik8 Medik8 Crystal Retinal 20 30ml 1
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Medik8 Medik8 Crystal Retinal 20 30ml from Dermstore

Medik8 Crystal Retinal 20 30ml

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Product Details

Achieve your best skin yet with Medik8's most powerful retinaldehyde, Crystal Retinal 20. Exclusively available to the USA on Dermstore. Featuring retinaldehyde (retinal), a next-generation form of vitamin A which is not to be mistaken for the classic form of vitamin A, retinol. In numerous studies, retinal has been demonstrated to be more effective and 11x faster-working than retinol, without any additional irritation.[1,2,3] The hydrating overnight serum-cream visibly addresses signs of aging; improving the appearance of wrinkles, texture and tone. Potency and optimum power are ensured through a double-layered stabilization system, which includes a crystal encapsulation that releases vitamin A gradually throughout the night, to protect the skin from becoming overwhelmed at any point. Hyaluronic acid and glycerin also feature to moisturize and hydrate skin, minimizing any dryness. The complexion is left visibly smooth and supple. Crystal Retinal is available in a series of progressive strengths. Crystal Retinal 20 sits at the top of the Crystal Retinal ladder, featuring 0.2% retinal. The powerful serum is exclusively for advanced customers who have comfortably used Crystal Retinal 10 and want to move up on the Crystal Retinal Ladder. It has double the concentration of Medik8's previous highest strength, meaning it has double the power and therefore even faster results. Due to its high concentration of retinal, Crystal Retinal 20 is only available for purchase after an online consultation. [1] J. Fluhr, Tolerance profile of retinol, retinaldehyde and retinoic acid under maximized and long-term clinical conditions, Dermatology, 1999,199(Suppl 1), pp 57-60. [2] Creidi P et al, Profilometric evaluation of photodamage after topical retinaldehyde and retinoic acid treatment, J Am Acad Dermatol, 1998, 39(6), pp 960-965 [3] G Siegenthaler et al, Retinol and retinal metabolism. Relationship to the state of differentiation of cultured human keratinocytes, Biochem J, 1990, 268(2), pp 371-378 Crystal Retinal 20 should only be used by those who have comfortably finished at least 2 tubes of Crystal Retinal 10, due to it containing a very high strength of retinaldehyde (0.2%). Retinol may increase photosensitivity. Always use a high-protection, broad-spectrum sunscreen when using this product. Awards: Women's Wear Daily: Beauty Inc's 100 Greatest Skin Care Products Of All Time 2029

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Brand: Medik8

Volume: 30ml

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