Mavala Mavala Cuticle Oil (10ml) 1
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Mavala Mavala Cuticle Oil (10ml) 1
Mavala Mavala Cuticle Oil (10ml) from LookFantastic US

Mavala Cuticle Oil (10ml)

Total price$28.6Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

Damaged cuticles give a neglected appearance to nails. Mavala Cuticle Oil maintains the suppleness of the cuticles and softens the skin around the nail enabling it to be rolled gently back.

Soften and beautify cuticles with Mavala Cuticle Oil. This daily cuticle treatment provides a well-groomed contour to the nails.

Directions of Use:

Apply around the nail heart, particularly at the base.

Massage cuticles with a firm, rotating motion towards the hands and allow the cream to penetrate.

Best when used daily, at bedtime, to allow the product to act during the night.

Once a week or when doing your manicure, push back cuticles with a manicure stick wrapped in cotton.

Remove traces of Cuticle Oil on nails before continuing with manicure, to allow base coat and nail polish to adhere.

Please note: Cuticle Oil has the same properties as Cuticle Cream.

Shipping & Returns

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Cost: $6.5

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

Return Policy

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