Marvis Marvis Travel Flavour Toothpaste Trio 3 x 25ml 1
Marvis Marvis Travel Flavour Toothpaste Trio 3 x 25ml 2
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Marvis Marvis Travel Flavour Toothpaste Trio 3 x 25ml 1
Marvis Marvis Travel Flavour Toothpaste Trio 3 x 25ml 2
Marvis Marvis Travel Flavour Toothpaste Trio 3 x 25ml from LookFantastic US

Marvis Travel Flavour Toothpaste Trio 3 x 25ml

Total price$23Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

Always Travel with Flavor, with three Marvis toothpaste favorites, in perfectly packable sizes. Set includes 1.3 oz travel sizes of Classic Strong Mint, Whitening Mint, and Cinnamon Mint. Marvis toothpaste is made using a traditional processing method that guarantees a dense texture, maximum protection, and extraordinarily bright smile. The flavors combine unmistakable freshness with innovative notes to offer you a long-lasting, pleasurable taste sensation that can be different every day. The Marvis Formula: white, protected teeth, long lasting fresh breath, and with brushing, aid in prevention of tooth decay, tartar and plaque.

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