Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 1
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 2
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 3
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 4
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 5
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 6
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Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 1
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 2
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 3
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 4
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 5
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. 6
Maison Margiela REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz. from Macy's

REPLICA Matcha Meditation Eau de Toilette, 3.4 oz.

Total price$165free shipping badgeFree shipping
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3.40 oz
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Product Details

A fresh perfume that embodies the peaceful moment your mind escapes and your senses awaken through the unique combination of matcha tea accord, white chocolate and orange blossom. Transported by the soothing steam of a warm cup of matcha tea, the fresh scent of bergamot and green tea envelops you in a calming sense of serenity. The aromatic floral perfume awakens the senses and a cool base of white chocolate, moss and cedarwood brings the focus back to the present.




Bergamot & Green Tea Accord


Fragrance is intensified by the warmth of your own body; apply in the creases of your knees and elbows for a longer-lasting, stronger scent

After applying, avoid rubbing or dabbing skin, because that breaks down the fragrance, causing it to wear off more quickly

If you prefer placing fragrance on your wrists, be sure to reapply after frequent hand-washing, because that tends to rinse off the scent

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