LOL Surprise! Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll 1
LOL Surprise! Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll 2
LOL Surprise! Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll 3
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LOL Surprise! Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll 1
LOL Surprise! Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll 2
LOL Surprise! Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll 3
LOL Surprise! Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll from Macy's

Magic Flyers Sky Starling Doll

Total price$40.94Including shipping fee$10.95
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Product Details

A mysterious bottle. Flashes of light. It shakes. It rocks. It comes to life. Flitter, flutter, fashion wings. Meet the magic flyers who magically fly and make a scene. Introducing LOL Surprise magic flyers. Meet three new LOL tots with fashion wings who really fly. Each LOL Surprise magic flyer doll comes in a unique plastic bottle that comes to life when you touch or rub it. Touch the bottle once and it shakes, touch it twice and it lights up in an amazing rainbow, touch it three times and the bottle magically opens, then pull the lid back and your magic flying tot flies into the air. While your magic flyer is in the air you can guide it with your hand, keeping it from touching the ground. It's an unboxing experience like never before. Meet flutter star, sweetie fly, and sky starling, three new LOL characters who have magic flying ability. Every doll comes fashionably styled with unique wings and the ability to fly. Each magic flyer comes with batteries and a USB cord to recharge your bottle and flying tot. Collect all 3 magic flyers and watch them flitter, flutter, and make a scene.

Warning - choking hazard - contains small parts. Not suitable for children under 3 years

Recommended for ages 6 and above

Overall product dimensions - 4.5" L x 9" W x 12" H

Product weight - 1.68 lbs

Three new LOL tot characters with unique designs, and fashionably designed wings that really fly

Magic bottle unboxing - a mysterious, magical bottle that shakes, rocks, and lights up when you touch it

Hand guided - simply hold your hand underneath sky starling's feet to guide her as high as you can

Unbox again and again - repeat the whole unboxing over and over, or switch the bottle to launch sky starling right away

Rechargeable - each magic flyer comes with batteries in the bottle and a USB charger to recharge your flyer for endless fun

Collect them all - collect all 3 magic flyer LOL Surprise! Dolls

Plastic, Polyvinyl Chloride, Paper

Spot Clean


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Cost: $10.95

Arrives in 2 to 10 Business Days

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You will be able to return your item directly to Macy's.

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