含有活性咖啡因-生姜复合物、WTB 系统和原鸢尾素(冷冻溶脂),具有积极而密集的纤体功效灵感源自冷冻溶脂技术,具有明确的非侵入性纤体功效再现低温对脂肪细胞的影响,无损伤减少白色脂肪组织的体积及其储存量提供排水作用,刺激脂肪燃烧,消除橘皮组织 保湿、平滑和软化肌肤为肌肤带来花香(鸢尾、玫瑰和茉莉)。仅需 7 天,效果明显纤体技术效果提高 20 倍适用于难以治疗的嵌入式脂肪团皮肤看起来更光滑、更紧致、更有弹性
Lierac Body-Slim Kit is a slimming cryogenic treatment for embedded cellulite. Includes a massager.Inspired by cryolipolysis, Lierac Body Slim Cryoactive Concentrate provides a slimming treatment that reproduces the effects of cryolipolysis, that visibly reduces embedded cellulite.Lierac Body Slim Cryoactive Concentrate helps to intensely combat embedded cellulite.Contains active caffeine-ginger complex, WTB system and pro-irisin (cryolipolysis), for an active and intensive slimming actionInspired by the cryolipolysis technique, with a definitive non-evasive slimming actionReproduces the effects of the cold on adipocytes, without damageReduces the volume of white adipose tissue and its storageDelivers draining action, stimulates the burning of fats and elimination of cellulite Moisturizes, smooths and softensProvides a floral fragrance (iris, rose and jasmine) to the skinVisible results in just 7 daysSlimming technology 20x more effectiveIdeal for embedded cellulite, difficult to treatSkin looks smoother, firmer and tonedIncludes cream (150ml)Offer of slimming massager that enhances the effects of the cream
Lierac - Body-Slim Cryoactive Slimming Program & Roller (150ml)