HERMÈS Les Pinceaux Hermès Le Traceur Eyeliner Brush 1
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HERMÈS Les Pinceaux Hermès Le Traceur Eyeliner Brush 1
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HERMÈS Les Pinceaux Hermès Le Traceur Eyeliner Brush from Saks Fifth Avenue

Les Pinceaux Hermès Le Traceur Eyeliner Brush

Lowest price in three months
Total price$93.95Including shipping fee$9.95
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Product Details


This precious object with a three-colored handle in lacquered wood sits comfortably in the hand. The ultra-soft natural goat hair fibers are hand-assembled by a French brush-maker to ensure seamless application for the eyes. Le Traceur is a brush with an angled tip, ideal for tracing a clean line along the base of the lashes with any of the eyeshadow finishes. It can also be used to fill in the eyebrows or define the contour of the lips. Designed by Pierre Hardy, each Hermès Beauty brush comes in one of the House's signature orange boxes. They now form their own collection, known as Les Pinceaux Hermès. Made in France.

WHAT IT ISThis precious object with a three-colored handle in lacquered wood sits comfortably in the hand. The ultra-soft natural goat hair fibers are hand-assembled by a French brush-maker to ensure seamless application for the eyes. Le Traceur is a brush with an angled tip, ideal for tracing a clean line along the base of the lashes with any of the eyeshadow finishes. It can also be used to fill in the eyebrows or define the contour of the lips. Designed by Pierre Hardy, each Hermès Beauty brush comes in one of the House's signature orange boxes. They now form their own collection, known as Les Pinceaux Hermès. Made in France.

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