Kiehl's Since 1851 Ultra Facial Oil Free Cleanser 1
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Kiehl's Since 1851 Ultra Facial Oil Free Cleanser 1
Kiehl's Since 1851 Ultra Facial Oil Free Cleanser from bluemercury

Ultra Facial Oil Free Cleanser

Extra 20% off Over $200
Total price$33Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Refreshing oil-free cleanser that removes impurities and visibly reduces excess oil in the skin.

Refreshing oil-free cleanser that removes impurities and visibly reduces excess oil in the skin. Formulated with imperata cylindrica root and lemon fruit extracts, it thoroughly cleanses without overdrying skin. The results are a more balanced complexion and a rejuvenated appearance. Gives sensitive skin a gentle cleanse.

Cleanses and removes excess oilGets rid of impurities  Balances the skin tone

Skin Type::normal; oily; sensitive,Benefits::hydrating; oil control,Concerns::dryness; oily skin; oily spots; redness and irritation; uneven skin tone / hyperpigmentation ,Ingredient Preference::vitamin c;sulfate free;paraben free;silicone free;fragrance free

Imperata Cylindrica (Desert Plant Extract): Its roots contain high concentrations of potassium to provide an instant and lasting hydration. Helps skin store and retain moisture. Lemon Extract: High in natural fruit acids and contains the highest percentage of vitamin C of all the fruits. Its extracts and essential oil have astringent and antiseptic qualities that freshen, stimulate and rejuvenate tired skin while adding lustrous shine to hair. In aromatherapy, lemons inspire a cooling, refreshing and uplifting feeling.

Lightly massage into dampened face. Avoid the eye area. Rinse thoroughly.

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Cost: $7

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