Kiehl's Since 1851 Iris Extract Activating Treatment Essence 1
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Kiehl's Since 1851 Iris Extract Activating Treatment Essence 1
Kiehl's Since 1851 Iris Extract Activating Treatment Essence from bluemercury

Iris Extract Activating Treatment Essence

Extra 20% off Over $200
Total price$63Including shipping fee$7
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Product Details

Concentrated facial treatment water designed to be used directly on skin after cleansing and toning.

Meant to be used as the first step in an anti-aging routine, the treatment quickly and deeply penetrates to nourish, renew and replenish skin after cleansing. Its powerful formula activates the skin barrier function to provide moisture for up to 24 hours after application. The essence contains iris florentina flower, which is known for improving skin’s ability to retain moisture. In just one week, skin is smoother and more radiant, while after four weeks, skin’s texture is noticeably improved and fine lines are visibly diminished.

Nourishes, renews, and replenishes skinActivates the skin's moisture barrierEnhances moisture retentionPromotes smoother, more radiant skin in one weekImproves skin texture and reduces fine lines in four weeks

Benefits::anti-aging; hydrating,Concerns::fine lines and wrinkles

Iris Florentina Flower: Known for improving skin’s ability to retain moisture.

Designed to be used directly on skin after cleansing and toning. Apply a few drops of the treatment into the palm of your hand and press hands together.Gently press onto cheeks, forehead, chin and neck. Follow with a serum or moisturizer.

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Cost: $7

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