JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 1
JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 2
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preivew Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage color
color chalk 0
color olive 1
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JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 1
JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 2
JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 3
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JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 5
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JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 8
JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage 9
JONATHAN Y Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage from Premium Outlets

Brent MidCentury Modern Indoor Crushed Can Eco-Friendly 3D Printed Planter with Drainage

Total price$73.2free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

Our modern, custom designed 3D-printed planter pot adds mid-century modern flair to your home or office. This geometric pot is a fresh take on an iconic crushed-can design. Made from plant-based plastic, this planter is both plant safe and perfect for small to medium sized houseplants like succulents, snake plants, pothos, and many more!

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