Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 1
Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 2
Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 3
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Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 1
Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 2
Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 3
Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 4
Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy 5
Hortons England Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy from Unineed US

Hortons Kloster Pom Pom Hat Burgundy

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Product Details

The perfect accessory for winter and the cold months that lie ahead, this beautiful chunky knit hat will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish. Make a chic and fun statement and top off your look.

Made from 100% acrylic so you don't get any irritation.

If your pom pom gets wet, our top tip would be to use a hairdryer to bring it back to life again!

One size fits all.

A luxury chunky knit hat with a faux fur pom pom bobble, featuring the widely recognised Hortons symbol on a gold metal disc.

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