HERMÈS Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers 1
HERMÈS Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers 2
HERMÈS Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers 3
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HERMÈS Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers 1
HERMÈS Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers 2
HERMÈS Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers 3
HERMÈS Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers from Saks Fifth Avenue

Hermès Plein Air Blotting Papers

Lowest price in three months
Total price$58.95Including shipping fee$9.95
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Product Details


The Hermès Plein Air collection is the Hermès Beauty vision applied to the complexion. It is a breath of fresh air for the skin. Beauty embraces the open air with the blotting papers. Inspired by traditional Japanese culture, they are perfect for touch-ups at any time of day. Containing 100 papers, this compact object can be slipped into a bag to accompany one anywhere. They are crafted of a combination of hemp fibers, wood pulp, and soft Kozo fibers from the Japanese paper mulberry tree. Presented in the iconic orange box in recyclable cardboard, these mattifying papers are lightly watermarked with a motif consisting of the signature Hermes H. Set of 100. Made in Japan.


Gently press the paper over the area to be mattified. The size of the papers has been designed to cover larger areas such as the forehead in a single gesture. Each blotting paper is for single use.

WHAT IT ISThe Hermès Plein Air collection is the Hermès Beauty vision applied to the complexion. It is a breath of fresh air for the skin. Beauty embraces the open air with the blotting papers. Inspired by traditional Japanese culture, they are perfect for touch-ups at any time of day. Containing 100 papers, this compact object can be slipped into a bag to accompany one anywhere. They are crafted of a combination of hemp fibers, wood pulp, and soft Kozo fibers from the Japanese paper mulberry tree. Presented in the iconic orange box in recyclable cardboard, these mattifying papers are lightly watermarked with a motif consisting of the signature Hermes H. Set of 100. Made in Japan.HOW TO USE ITGently press the paper over the area to be mattified. The size of the papers has been designed to cover larger areas such as the forehead in a single gesture. Each blotting paper is for single use.

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