HERMÈS Eau de citron noir Eau de Cologne 1
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HERMÈS Eau de citron noir Eau de Cologne from Saks Fifth Avenue

Eau de citron noir Eau de Cologne

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Product Details

Eau de citron noir. "Following a path through the olfactory universe of hesperidia led me into a vast world, dotted with surprises, with citrus fruits. Finger lime, Buddha's hand fruit, Eureka lemon... So many unusual varieties of citrus appealed to me, but it was the smoky and distinguished black lime that finally stood out as the key note." Christine Nagel . Eau de citron noir offers a unique and paradoxical imprint, a surprisingly persistent freshness which rises to the challenge of tenacity: it is the midday-to-midnight Cologne! Eau de cologne. The striking and explosive vitality of citrus fruits combined with the depth of subtle smoky and woody notes of black lime. 3.3 oz. Made in France.

Eau de citron noir. "Following a path through the olfactory universe of hesperidia led me into a vast world, dotted with surprises, with citrus fruits. Finger lime, Buddha's hand fruit, Eureka lemon... So many unusual varieties of citrus appealed to me, but it was the smoky and distinguished black lime that finally stood out as the key note." Christine Nagel . Eau de citron noir offers a unique and paradoxical imprint, a surprisingly persistent freshness which rises to the challenge of tenacity: it is the midday-to-midnight Cologne! Eau de cologne. The striking and explosive vitality of citrus fruits combined with the depth of subtle smoky and woody notes of black lime. 3.3 oz. Made in France.

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