Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml 1
Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml 2
Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml 3
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Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml 1
Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml 2
Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml 3
Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml 4
Grown Alchemist Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml from LookFantastic US

Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant 75ml

Total price$70free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

For even the most sensitive of skin, the Grown Alchemist Enzyme Exfoliant is a granule-free formula suited to nourish and revitalise all congested skin types. Working to soothingly detoxify the skin’s natural layer, the enzymatic exfoliant is designed to rebalance unevenness of skin tone, replenish with hydration and combat dead skin cells. Papain and amino complex are featured for their ability to support cell renewal and moisturise the skin, helping to reduce the visible appearance of lines and wrinkles. Fig, omega 3 fatty acids and quandong feature to hydrate the skin and assist in the prevention of collagen and elastin breakdown. The Enzyme Exfoliant is a gentle way to soothe and nurture while clarifying the complexion.

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