Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 1
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 2
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 3
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 4
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 5
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 6
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Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 1
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 2
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 3
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 4
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 5
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar 6
Golden Goose Sports shoes Matchstar from Vitkac

Sports shoes Matchstar

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Product Details

We present to you the exclusive MATCHSTAR sports shoes from the renowned Italian brand GOLDEN GOOSE. These classic, low-profile, low-top sneakers stand out with their minimalist design and highest quality craftsmanship. The shoes are made from high-quality leather, providing a smooth and shiny finish. On the outer side of the shoe, in gold, is the prestigious inscription GOLDEN GOOSE, and on the tongue of the shoe is the brand's gold logo. Inside the shoe, on the insole, there is the inscription MATCHSTAR and information about the brand. The dominant color of the shoes is elegant white, which perfectly matches the white, classic shoelaces and the white rubber sole providing comfort and durability. A characteristic element of the brand's vintage style is subtle distressing, which adds a unique character to the shoes. WHY SHOULD YOU BUY THIS PRODUCT? * High-quality leather ensuring durability and elegance. * Minimalist design ideal for everyday and formal outfits. * Prestigious inscription and logo of the GOLDEN GOOSE brand. * Comfortable rubber sole. * Unique vintage effect. Sole Height: 2cm Sole Height at the highest point: 3cm

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