Exuviance Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz 1
Exuviance Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz 2
Exuviance Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz 3
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Exuviance Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz 1
Exuviance Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz 2
Exuviance Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz 3
Exuviance Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz from Dermstore

Exuviance CitraFirm FACE Oil 0.9 oz

Total price$85free shipping badgeFree shipping
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Product Details

This elegant oil concentrates CitraFill plus a blend of Vitamins F, A, C and E and light botanical oils to target visible signs of aging, supporting skin's natural collagen and lipid barrier for a firmer look. 4% CitraFill, a nonacid Citric Acid compound, supports skin's natural firming collagen. 4.5% level of Vitamins F, A, C, and E condition skin and defend against environmental stressors that can accelerate the look of skin aging. 7 light botanical oils including Rosehip, Apricot, Cranberry, Marula, and Argan deeply nourish skin, targeting skin's lipid barrier to restore a feeling of suppleness. Formulated for all skin types including dry, lackluster skin or skin experiencing a loss of firmness. Non-irritating, dermatologist tested.

Product Overview: 4% CitraFill, a nonacid Citric Acid compound, supports skin's natural firming collagen.;4.5% level of Vitamins F, A, C, and E condition skin and defend against environmental stressors that can accelerate the look of skin aging.;7 light botanical oils including Rosehip, Apricot, Cranberry, Marula, and Argan deeply nourish skin, targeting skin's lipid barrier to restore a feeling of suppleness.;Formulated for all skin types including dry, lackluster skin or skin experiencing a loss of firmness.;Non-irritating, dermatologist tested.

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Brand: Exuviance

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