ESPA ESPA Essentials Purifying Shampoo 400ml - Ginger and Thyme 1
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ESPA ESPA Essentials Purifying Shampoo 400ml - Ginger and Thyme from LookFantastic US

ESPA Essentials Purifying Shampoo 400ml - Ginger and Thyme

Total price$22.5Including shipping fee$6.5
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Product Details

A gentle yet effective purifying shampoo with Coconut, Jojoba and Olive Oils to lightly condition, so hair feels soft and silky, while Honey and ProVitamin help nourish and improve shine. Infused with a luxurious blend of pure essential oils, including Ginger and Thyme, to delicately fragrance for beautifully refreshed hair.ESPA refill pouches use up to 60% less plastic than the ESPA 400ml plastic bottle.

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Cost: $6.5

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