Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 1
Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 2
Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 3
Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 4
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Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 1
Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 2
Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 3
Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol 4
Dr. Brandt 3-Step Brightening Protocol from Dr. Brandt

3-Step Brightening Protocol

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Product Details

Correct, brighten, and protect your skin. A clinically proven collection, inspired by patients. Protect and target any unwanted hyperpigmentation and UV damage with unique formulas containing highly effective acids, brightening, and gold standard ingredients.


DARK SPOTS NO MORE (0.5 fl. oz / 15 ml): a lightweight gel that reduces number, intensity, and size of pigmented spots, brightens hyper-pigmented spots, evens skin tone and texture.

C SCRIPTION (1 fl. oz./30 ml): A fast-absorbing concentrated serum with time-release Vitamin C and universal skin brighteners offers safe, effective brightening for all skin types.

LIQUID SUN SHIELD (1.7 fl. oz./50 ml): a lightweight, 100% mineral sunscreen with broad-spectrum UVA/UVB SPF50, HEV/Blue Light, infrared and pollution protection *Not eligible for additional discounts or promotion.

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